Tuesday, June 19, 2007

the thinking train

- who needs lights? if chris doyle and wong kar wai can shoot chungking express in 3 weeks w/ no external lighting and the film looks as good as it does...

- wow, the godfather is pretty.

- maybe lights wouldn't hurt.

- no way it's worth spending 1.5-2K for lights.

- what can i use to attach anything to this tiny 250w worklight?

- when will this epoxy ever dry?

- i hate epoxy.

- what does he mean the paint is going to smoke?

- these primer fumes are crazy.

- use a coat rack? as a lighting stand? maybe that could work.

- why doesn't home depot carry coat racks?

- can i build a tripod with pvc? i should be able to build at least a makeshift stand.

- i hate epoxy.

- this drill is very loud.

- why does the primer take so long to dry?

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